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Understanding Dementia and the Role of the Healthcare Professional

Dementia can be caused by a variety of different diseases and conditions. Diagnosis is complicated and expertise is in needed to understand the different causes, diagnostic criteria, and skills in sharing a diagnosis and treatment plans with patient and their families.

This interdisciplinary training video focuses on:

  • Differentiating hallmark clinical signs of the four most common forms of dementia,
  • Explaining the newest diagnostic and assessment criteria and guidelines for dementia,
  • Examining person-centered communication skills with patients and their families including working with different cultures and,
  • Identifying professional and community resources

Learn more about understanding Dementia and the role of the healthcare professional.

If CE's are not required, please complete this short survey and watch from YouTube.

Dementia Therapies and Interventions

It is reported that 90% of people with dementia will have at least one behavioral or psychotic symptom over the course of their disease, which pose great risk and the current medications used for these treatments have modest effects.

This training video focuses on:

  • Use and efficacy of approved medications for Alzheimer’s disease
  • Appropriate use of off-label medications used in dementia care
  • Non-pharmacologic interventions for persons with dementia
  • Best practices in culture change

Learn more about Dementia therapies and interventions.

If CE's are not required, please complete this short survey and watch from YouTube.

Improving Quality of Life in Persons with Dementia and their Families

Quality of Life (QOL) is a primary treatment goal for persons living with dementia and their families. Factors shown to influence QOL include mood, engagement in pleasant activities and ability to perform activities of daily living. Sensory input and processing, and judgement deficits that occur in dementia patients have a great impact on their QOL and their safety. This training video focuses on: 

  • Best practices to improve QOL in persons with dementia including shared decision making
  • Safety issues due to sensory deficits including; pain management, falls, wandering, and activities of daily living
  • The “secondary patient” and best practices in emphasizing healthy behaviors
  • Community resources for safety and QOL

  Learn more about improving quality of life in persons with Dementia and their familes.