Dementia Society of America Your national nonprofit devoted to education, enhancing quality-of-life for those living with Dementia and their care partners, as well as recognition for care, innovation and research. We may be reached at 1-800-DEMENTIA for answers to basic questions and for help finding resources local to you.

Minding Our Elders It is the mission of Minding Our Elders to shine a light on the isolation often felt by caregivers and seniors and to give them a voice. Founder and owner of Minding Our Elders Carol Bradley Bursack assures caregivers and seniors that they aren't alone. Through speaking and writing, she strives to truly carry the message that help is available for them.
Senior Living Choices Senior Living Choices is a free comprehensive guide to senior living & affiliated services targeting the senior housing market. Distributed locally to hospitals, doctors offices, discharge planners, social workers and medical centers, it is quickly becoming a must use tool for everyone in the senior housing industry.

Second Wind Dreams We are changing the perception of aging through innovative educational programming and dreamweaving for our elders! Second Wind Dreams® focuses on those living in eldercare communities. These are our seniors who need our assistance most. Family support may be non-existent and money can be at a premium, especially for our Medicaid supported seniors. These senior adults are often our most frail - the ones who need a dream fulfilled.
UTHSCSA Community Geriatrics The geriatricians and geriatric nurse practitioners of UT Medicine Senior Health are focused on treating each older patient as a whole person, including physical health, mental health and the ability to function in everyday activities. We provide care in the office setting, in the ACE hospital unit and on site at selected skilled nursing rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes, hospice facilities, and assisted living facilities.
ADEARCaregiverGuideSpanish_Caregiver_Guide Indice Describrir que un ser querido tiene la enfermedad de Alzheimer puede ser estresante, aterrador y abrumador. Las siguientes sugerencias le pueden ayudar para empezar a enfrentar la situacion: sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Averigue sobre los tratamientos que puedan ser mas efectivos para aliviar los tratamientos que puedan ser mas efectivos para aliviar los sintomas y manejar los problemas de conducta.

Getting Help With Caregiving Some caregivers need help when the person is in the early stages of AD. Other caregivers look for help when the person is in the later stages of AD. It's okay to seek help whenever you need it. As the person moves through the stages of AD, he or she will need more care. One reason is that medicines used to treat AD can only control symptoms, they cannot cure the disease. Symptoms, such as memory loss and confusion, will get worse over time. Because of this, you will need more help. You may feel that asking for help shows weakness or a lack of caring, but the opposite is true. Asking for help shows your strength. It means you know your limits and when to seek support.

Alamo Area Agency on Aging The Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) Alamo Area Agency on Aging (Alamo AAA) is one of 28 area agencies in the State of Texas designated by the Texas Health and Human Services to develop and administer comprehensive services for people who are: 60 years of age and living in Atascosa, Bandera, Comal, Frio, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Medina and Wilson Counties; Residents of any age who are eligible for Medicare within the 11 counties of the AACOG Region; and Caregivers of individuals age 60 and over.

Alamo Service Connection This comprehensive, Internet-based resource is for the elderly and people with disabilities, as well as their caregivers and service providers. The mission of the Alamo Service Connection is to provide easy, friendly, helpful access to services for older adults, people with disabilities and their families in Bexar County.

Bexar Agency on Aging The Bexar Area Agency on Aging (Bexar AAA), an Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) program, is one of 28 area agencies on aging in the State of Texas. Bexar AAA plans, coordinates, and administers comprehensive services authorized by the Older Americans Act and the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services for Bexar County residents who are: 60 years of age living in Bexar County; Residents of any age who are eligible for Medicare within the 11 counties of the AACOG Region; and Caregivers of individuals age 60 and over.
My Jewish Learning MyJewishLearning, Inc. leverages the internet and other new media to spread knowledge of Jewish religion, history, values, traditions, and culture in a manner that is meaningful and accessible to people of all backgrounds, empowering them to navigate Jewish life with confidence and creativity.